As Yet Untold
When it comes down to it, do you know the people in your life as well as you think you do? Or are you surprised at how often you learn something new about them? Everyone has a story to tell, a collection of unique experiences, triumphs and struggles, highs and lows. Dr. Javaid Siddiqi, President & CEO of The Hunt Institute, is the host, and will be talking to some of the best known names in politics and education to get to the "real" story.
As Yet Untold
Governor Tom Kean
The Hunt Institute
Season 1
Episode 3
Governor Tom Kean has a long history of public service - as a teacher, New Jersey Assemblyman, two-term New Jersey governor, university president, and Chair of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States (more commonly known as the 9/11 Commission). Governor Kean is also famous for his ability to reach across the aisle to get things done for the greater good, and The Hunt Institute is a beneficiary of that ability, as he is a namesake alongside Governor Hunt of our Hunt-Kean Leadership Fellows program that develops future governors able to make bold education moves.